07/23/2018 - 09:29

Κίνηση Εθελοντών SCI Ελλάς - Act for Peace !!

SCI Hellas, as coordinating organization, along with SCI Catalunya, SCI Italy, and OWA Poland, as partner organizations, are happy to announce the implementation of three study camps on the impact international volunteering has had throughout the years. The project is called “Volunteering vs Violence” and aims to give the participants all the tools necessary to understand the relevance of international volunteering, especially in times of conflict or change. Given the various locations, each camp will have different activities and will focus on a different time frame: from 1920 to 1945 for Catalunya, 1945-1989 for Italy, and 1989-nowadays for Poland. After the implementation of the study camps, a final conference will be held in Athens in March 2019 to present, share, and discuss the results of the project.

The camps have  as objective the study of the development of the international voluntary service and volunteering but both the activities and the tools that will be used are going to be different for each camp; visits to  voluntary-based facilities, active participation in the organizations’ events, making research on past volunteering experiences as well as interviews with past volunteers and discussions on these topics are examples of the kind of activities participants will take part in.

For more infos, application procedures and deadlines check the call for participants.

When and Where

Rome, Italy 26/8/2018 - 3/9/2018 (Call)

Barcelona, Spain 6/9/2018 - 14/9/2018 (Call)

Poznan, Poland December 2018-January 2019

ΠΗΓΗ: sci.gr